Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

twitter Kyu . .

credit: Kyuhyun's Twitter [@GaemGyu]
eng trans: @KyuhyunBiased
taken from: chi♥iceKYUream

Kyu's twit : 내 욕을 하는건 참을 수 있다. 내 행동이든 뭐든 당신들 맘에 들지 않았기 때문에 욕을 했겠지. 하지만 그 손가락으로 죄 없는 가족까지 들먹이며 상처주는 당신들.. 제발 생각 좀 하고 글 쓰시길 바란다…

trans eng : @Kyuhyunbiased:[TRANS] @GaemGyu: I can stand you insulting me, you probably do it because I have done something to make you angry. But don't ever hurt innocent families with your dirty hands. Please think before yo write...

Kyu kenapa ya? Kasihan aku bacanya. Semoga dia baik-baik aja. Kita selalu mensupport kamu,Kyu. #cheerupkyu :)

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